This year's election brings five new faces into the race, each with a unique background and visions for the future of our HOA. These candidates are eager to contribute their skills and ideas to make our community even better. Alongside them, two incumbents are running for re-election, offering their experience and continuity to the board. Together, these seven candidates represent a wide range of perspectives, ensuring that every resident's voice can be heard in this important process.


8:00 PM- 9:00 PM
(after the Open Session Board Meeting)

Below you can read why the candidates are running for the HOA Board as well as their full Candidate Statement.

Tony Givargis

Candidate did not provide a questionnaire statement.

Hanu (Hanumanth Rao) Gonuguntla 

“To make a difference and get involved in my community and serve your neighbors and enhance the community's.”

SHERRY KIMBROW - incumbent 

“My family and I have lived here since 2007. After seeing how dysfunctional our HOA was after the downturn of 08-09, I decided to put in whatever extra time I had towards making our HOA work on behalf of members. I attended meetings, joined other neighbors on various committees, served for several years as the District C Delegate, and spoke up and showed up when we needed more transparency and accountability. A lot has changed since then, especially over the past 5 years, including updates to our clubhouse and amenities with lower dues than we ever paid in the past. All of these improvements have added to the enjoyment and safety of our community and have also helped to increase our property values. I want our HOA to continue this upward and member-focused trend, with an open-minded Board that listens to member feedback and keeps communication open and transparent.”

Najme Minhaj

Candidate did not provide a questionnaire statement.

Urvish Panchal

“I am living in Anatolia since 2007, and my family grew up in this beautiful community. While we are enjoying our life at Anatolia, it’s time to return back to new community’s’ members by serving for community. I am encouraged to run by two of current board members.”

Andrea (Andy) Payne - incumbent 

Candidate did not provide a questionnaire statement.


“I am running for the HOA board to contribute positively to our community and help maintain the progress we have made in recent years period my goal is to keep our community moving in the right direction and ensure that the momentum we have built continues.”


  • The Association has selected HOA Elections of California, Inc. to function as the Inspector of Election. HOA Elections’ objective is to conduct the election process professionally and as efficiently as possible on your behalf. Pursuant to California Civil Code 5115(b) (effective January 1, 2020), notice of the Annual Meeting of the Members will be held as follows:

    Date/Time: Thursday, October 17th, 2024, at 5 p.m.

    Where: The meeting will be held in person and via Video Conference. You will be able to ask questions and view the opening of the ballots from your computer, tablet, or smartphone with the Inspector on a live video feed. Specific information on video conference call-in procedures will be included in your ballot packet which is due to be mailed 30 days prior to the meeting. You will not be able to drop ballots off at the meeting. Please MAIL your ballots to be RECEIVED by the HOA Inspector no later than the deadline below.

    Purpose: For the Members to elect two (2) Members to the Board of Directors for a three-year term each.

    The Rules Governing This Election Can Be Found Here:

    Your election ballot packet with details specific to your election including instructions on how to return your properly executed ballot will be mailed to you approximately 30 days prior to the election. Please vote promptly and return your ballot per the voting deadlines outlined below:

  • When you receive your ballot packet, please exercise your voting rights by completing your ballot promptly and mailing it to HOA Elections in the pre-addressed envelope, but do not forget to sign your outer envelope.

    Deadline for Inspector to Receive Ballots: Mailed ballots to HOA Elections of California (located at 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. C-496, San Clemente, CA 92673) must be received no later than October 16th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. No ballots will be accepted the day of the meeting, so please MAIL your ballots to be RECEIVED to the Inspector by the deadline.

  • Should you have any questions regarding any election materials, please contact HOA Elections of California, Inc. by:

    Phone: (951) 667-7191
    Fax: (800) 809-4535