Anatolia HOA Board Changes

April 9, 2018
Craig Osborn

Neighbors, the following four former members of our Homeowners Association’s Board of Directors have resigned:

Eunie Linden (was President);  Jon Brock (was Vice President);  Kokou Agbassekou (was Secretary);  Philip Latenser (was Chief Financial Officer).

I want YOUR input – we are all owners – on how you would like those seats to be filled.  Our HOA belongs to us, and we all should have our voices heard.  At the moment there’s one remaining board member (me), with 4 seats to be filled.


Put ALL of the seats of the entire Anatolia Board of Directors into the upcoming election.  The election has been planned and announced for 2018, but I’ve been told it’s only for 2 of the 5 board seats, so this option 1 is to expand that to all 5 seats.  Exact dates of the election are pending – probably late spring or early summer.  So, simply open that election to all 5 seats instead of just 2.

I really believe that’s the best choice for our neighborhood.  As owners, paying our dues every month, we should have every right to ELECT ALL 5 of these seats, so the board will be accountable to us – the 2,000+ owners.  The practice in 2017 of using appointments (instead of elections) has been one of the biggest obstacles to letting the home owners have their voice in the major financial and other decisions affecting all of us and our money.

My seat is up for re-election, no matter what, because I’ve served my 3-year term from the election held in 2015.  I believe that all 5 seats (including all 4 now-vacant seats from the resignations) should ALL be put up in this election – up for the owners to decide!  It’s OUR money.


A second option, which I’m told would be normal and our HOA’s attorney says he’s studying, would be for the sole remaining director to immediately (now) appoint 2 owners for 2 of the vacancies.  I’ve been told that if I do that, those appointed seats would then *stay* past this upcoming election, meaning only 3 seats would be up in this election. Yuck!

So that’s a really horrible idea, in my opinion, and NOT good for us, even if it’s legal.  It’s under review as an option and I want to know if you prefer it.  I don’t, at all, but I’m open to input from home owners.

There may be other options available, and I’m using due diligence by conferring with our HOA’s attorney so I can bring to you the full set of options.  Our neighborhood really deserves – and has never yet had – a Board of Directors of 5 members all elected by us, the owners. 

I’m looking to you for input on how you’d most like to return to a full Board of Directors.  I’ve opened a survey at and I’ll be calling an open meeting in the coming days, to discuss the options and listen to what you have to say.  

Thank you!  
- Craig Osborn

The above is posted on our website and on our Clubhouse bulletin boards.