Our Newly Reopened Study Room at the Anatolia Clubhouse

In February, the Study Room at the Anatolia Clubhouse (which belongs to all of us) was closed to us by a majority of the Board of Directors, inappropriately, without permission of the Anatolia home owners.  The majority of the board was not listening to us, the home owners.  They resigned on April 8, 2018.  The sole remaining board member is me (Craig Osborn, Anatolia home owner and resident with my family since 2006).  I am re-opening the Study Room to all of us – all members and guests of the Clubhouse at Anatolia – beginning today, April 13, 2018.  It is ours!

Please respect your fellow members and guests by:

  • Leaving the door open and unlocked
  • Keeping the room generally quiet
  • Allowing others space to work or study too
  • Leaving the locked cabinets alone
  • Alerting the front desk staff if there’s a problem
  • Leaving the room as you found it

Thank you!

Question:  Do you prefer this room to be:

a)      available on a reservation basis sometimes?  (Clubs, scrapbooking groups, scout groups, etc.)
b)      open first-come first-served at all times – as it is now – no group reservations

Please let your voice be heard at https://tinyurl.com/AnatoliaClubhouseStudyRoom

We’re moving in the right direction toward the Anatolia we’ve been paying for, and have always deserved.

Craig Osborn