Trustworthy Homeowners Sought for Anatolia's Board of Directors

Interested candidates should:

  • Have a desire to improve Anatolia to be an even better place for us all to live and raise our families
  • Be honest with the community
  • ASK owners their opinions and LISTEN to what owners tell you
  • Care about how representative democracy works, to build collaborative solutions
  • Use teamwork to solve problems, but think independently and vote no when needed
  • Remember the OWNERS put you there, and what owners are expecting from you
  • Work to earn the trust of thousands of neighbors, most of them strangers to you, by handling honorably the millions of OUR dollars that are entrusted to your care
  • Be willing to be open and transparent so that residents can see and know what you’re doing
  • Bring vision and good ideas to the table, for a better Anatolia of the future
  • Have the strength of your conviction but still listen and learn
  • Always remember your 3 responsibilities:  uphold the best interests of the owners, work in good faith, and exercise reasonable inquiry
  • Be willing to learn from your mistakes, even in public
  • Read, be familiar with, use, and follow: the Davis-Stirling Act, our Bylaws, our CC&Rs, and others
  • Have the patience and perseverance to handle complex legal issues that don’t have simple answers
  • Be willing to be told you’re part of the problem you’re actually working to solve
  • Be willing to stand alone when necessary
  • Be willing to speak truth to power, even if it’s your friends
  • Be willing to answer to strangers who are your neighbors - they deserve the answers
  • Be able to see solutions and work toward them
  • Be willing to recruit others to volunteer on committees to improve our neighborhood and Clubhouse
  • Be willing to treat all neighbors with respect and dignity even if they disagree with your decisions
  • Be willing to listen to honest viewpoints that may differ from your own
  • Be willing to be convinced sometimes that your way isn’t necessarily the best way
  • Be willing to be called nasty names to your face, in public, or online, by people who have no idea of the complexity of the issues you are working to solve for them
  • Be willing to learn new things – everything from fiduciary responsibility to staff/personnel matters, to building maintenance schedules, to delinquent account collection policies, to Comcast contract terms, to accounting rules, to swimming pool safety, to due process hearings, to Bylaws, to.........
  • Quit complaining about problems – move to solutions
  • Be able to work collaboratively with management, Clubhouse staff, and committees of volunteers
  • Be willing to disagree without being disagreeable
  • Be willing to do your homework – even when there’s lots of it
  • Bring your best skills and professionalism, while respecting the skills and professionalism of others
  • Be able to work collaboratively with the City of Rancho Cordova, Cordova Recreation & Park District (CRPD), Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD), Rancho Cordova Police Department (RCPD), Metro Fire, and other agencies as needed
  • Be willing to be fingerprinted for our Clubhouse’s liquor license, with your prints on file at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
  • Be willing to learn the rules, even crazy complex rules, and respect them or work constructively to change them
  • Be willing to read and understand long legal and/or technical documents, and identify exactly what passages are helpful or harmful to the community, so you can support or oppose them and explain why, when asked by strangers who are expecting simple answers
  • Be willing to place a lien against a home and even willing to foreclose on that lien if necessary in order to protect the neighborhood owners as a whole with your name on public documents showing that you did it
  • Be willing to give up entire evenings of family time in order to build a better neighborhood for everyone, even when you come home to find insults written about you on Nextdoor by people who haven’t lifted a finger to solve anything.
  • Your pay: $0.
  • On the good side, you get a 100% raise every month.

If that’s you, please consider joining our Anatolia Board of Directors!  One opportunity is scheduled for April 25, 2018 – details are posted on, throughout the Clubhouse, and mailed to all owners on April 18.  A second opportunity will be the upcoming 2018 elections.  Details and deadlines will be posted soon regarding this election. 

Our neighborhood needs you!

Craig Osborn