Pool Deck Repair & Remodel - Your Opportunity for Input

The Anatolia Clubhouse Exterior Committee (comprised 100% of Anatolia residents) has nearly completed the bidding process for repairs to the Clubhouse pool deck area.  Our Board of Directors (also comprised 100% of Anatolia residents) has scheduled an open session to review the bids and share them with you for your input.  All Anatolia home owners are invited to this open Board meeting, July 31 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse.  This will be your opportunity to see and review the bids received, ask your questions, and participate in the decision process.  Our Board strongly supports an open, transparent process, to give every Anatolia home owner an opportunity to be heard.

 Please join us on July 31!  The Board is planning to listen to your feedback before making any decision –  whether to approve one of the competitive bids for the repairs, or change the design of the repairs or scope of the work, or obtain other bids, or any other action.  In order to begin the repairs promptly, a final decision is expected at the subsequent open Board meeting, expected on August 16.  Notice for the meeting will be posted at least 4 days in advance on the Clubhouse bulletin boards. Please join us for these important decisions for our community.  You're invited!