Steam Room & Sauna Project

Starting Monday, August 9, 2021, the Association will begin the long-anticipated steam room/sauna project. DesCor Builders have been awarded the project and will be onsite early Monday morning to install a temporary wall that will separate the main gym floor to the construction zone. With this in mind, the locker room hall door (access to/from the pool area) and both locker rooms will also be closed and not available to Clubhouse visitors. These areas will remain closed until DesCor clears the space to be reopened. Bathrooms are available at the opposite side of the Clubhouse.

Early morning lap pool swimmers will gain access to the Clubhouse in the usual way however, the only access to the pool area will be through the doors near the TRX area.

In light of the project and with the expectation of noise, the yoga classes have been rescheduled from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. An additional yoga class has also been added to Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.

We anticipate the project to last approximately 2 months and appreciate everyone's patience while we improve this portion of the Clubhouse.

If you are interested in seeing a few design renderings, click on the buttons below.