HOA Announcement: Coronavirus Response

Anatolia is taking the coronavirus seriously and we ramped up our efforts since the first cases were reported in the Sacramento region. We want to inform you of the steps we are taking to protect our team and minimize any service disruptions.

We have enhanced office cleanings and ask staff that have had any contact with someone who is sick for any reason to stay home. We are advising our teams of best practices regarding personal protection and encouraging frequent cleaning and maintenance of common areas. This includes disinfecting common touch points such as doors and hand rails multiple times a day and stocking hand sanitizer in the clubhouse. However, procurement of cleaning supplies is becoming more difficult.

We temporarily suspended the Kids Club until further notice out of an abundance of caution for our staff and membership. The clubhouse and gym will remain open but that could change as information is received.

The Board has also made the decision to postpone the March 19, 2020 Open session meeting out of an abundance of caution. An executive meeting will still be held to discuss contracts, personnel, legal matters, member discipline, and delinquencies.

We ask that if you visit the clubhouse or the gym, you take proper precaution and wipe down any equipment both before and after you use it. Please stay home if you are feeling sick or if you have had contact to anyone who is sick for any reason.

We urge you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts and take necessary precautions to protect our community.

It is possible that the precautions we are taking and the potential of increased use of sick leave by staff members may impact turn-around times or availability for certain services. We ask for your support and understanding. As a company, we are doing everything we can to proactively deal with this situation while also minimizing disruptions as we continue to provide services to each of you.