Association event tickets will now be sold through our online store. Oktoberfest tickets go live on 10/1/2021! Visit our store to purchase your tickets!
Hip Hop Dance Classes Begin 11/2
Our next session of dance classes is set to begin on November 2, 2021. We are offering complimentary Hip Hop dance classes exclusively for Anatolia members! Classes will be 6-week a session at the Clubhouse. Registration is now open! Click here to sign up.
New Snack Bar Hours
Starting Thursday, September 9, 2021, the Clubhouse will have new hours for the snack bar. Click here for the new hours.
Caldor Firefighter Donations
2021 Anatolia Outdoor Concert Series
Policy Governing Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units
The Board of Directors is considering the adoption of the policy governing accessory dwelling units (ADU) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADU). The purpose of the proposed policy is to provide Association Members with established criteria when considering the implementation of a ADU or JADU on their property.
2021 Director Election
Steam Room & Sauna Project
Face Covering Order July 2021
Due to the case rate increases of COVID-19 from the Delta variant, the Sacramento County Public Health Officer has issued a health order requiring face coverings indoors regardless of vaccination status. This Order will continue to be in effect until rescinded or amended in writing by the Health Officer.
Chlorine Shortage Update
We are experiencing the worst chlorine shortage that this country has ever seen. Some of the contributing factors include (1) a pandemic swimming pool boom, creating a higher demand, (2) a major chemical plant fire in one of the largest chlorine tablet manufacturers in the U.S., (3) labor shortages, and (4) supply chain challenges.